Tactical Technologies XYZ is a defense technology company specializing in training and battle management solutions for government and military clients. The company has a proven track record of supporting Special Operations Forces (SOF) and has established a global footprint with extensive capabilities in delivering complex defense programs. Tactical Tech is known for leveraging innovative technologies such as virtual reality and artificial intelligence to enhance the effectiveness of its training programs. With strong contract growth and a highly skilled workforce, the company is well-positioned for future expansion.
- Year-over-year revenue growth: 8%
- COGS: 68% of revenue
- SG&A: 18% of revenue
- CapEx: 1.5% of revenue
- Consistent working capital requirements
- Terminal growth rate (TGR): 2.5%
- Terminal EBITDA multiple: 7x, 8x, and 9x
- SG&Risk-free rate: 3%
- Equity size premium: 6%
- Market risk premium: 4.42%
- Cost of debt: 5%
- Target IRR: 20%
- Entry Multiple: 8x
- SG&Senior Debt: 2.5x EBITDA, 6.5% interest
- Sub Debt: 1.5x EBITDA, 12% interest
- Rollover Equity: 25%
- Deal Fees: $3M